
Static Rope

Our Static Ropes made to EN 1891 and NFPA 1983 and with prestigious CE and UIAA marks. Diameters between 8.00mm to 16.00mm available.

* This product is a low stretch kernmantle static rope (Beema® Static) designed compliant with EN 1891 and EN 365 for CLIMBING, SPELUNKING, CANYONING, RAPELLING, and USE OF ROPE AT GREAT HEIGHT FOR SAFETY AND RESCUE. Use of this Static Rope should enable inclined or descended movement of a person with respect to the condition set below.


* That type A ropes are more suitable for use in rope access and work positioning  than type B ropes


* Users who are practicing free climbing are advised to use Dynamic Rope compliant with EN 892 Dynamic mountaineering ropes standard. Use of Static Rope is prohibited in a situation with possible risk of user suffering a fall greater than factor 1 (fall factor 1).


* The user must to be in a perfect physical and psychological condition, in normal or emergency situation, to ensure safe use of static rope.


* WARNING! This product should only be used by a person trained and competent in safe use of static rope, or in supervision of such a person.


* Make sure the safety measure and rescue plan to deal with any emergencies that could arise during the work is well figured out before and during use.


* Equipment must not to be used in any other situation or purpose than described above.


* Your rope is a personal piece of equipment which may suffer invisible damage in your absence. So, it is advised to nominate a person or user in charge for each product, when your rope is being used by a group, to maintain its best condition.


* The components of protection system (harness, carabineers, screw link, straps, descends, anchors) chosen should comply with European Standard and/or CE approved, and suitable for the diameter of the rope.


* WARNING! The overlapping of two ropes in a carabineer or screw link may cause breakage.


* Always make pre , post and in use inspection (visual and detailed) of the equipment to ensure that it is serviceable condition and functioning correctly.


* Presence of burn marks on the cover, snicking of rope, irregular diameter and other signs of deterioration is considered awry. Replace the rope as soon as possible after heavy fall or when you notice deterioration. If in doubt, return the rope to the manufacturer/retailer for advice


* Resistance of anchor device or structure chosen must be 15kN minimum.


* The figure-eight knot is recommended for tying-in. tie a good tight figure-eight knot. The minimum length of rope each side of the rope is 10 cm.


* To reduce risks of falling and the height of falls, the anchor point of the must always be above the climber to never overtake fall factor 1.


* The anchor point of the rope must be positioned above the user’s position. The user must always check the open space below him to avoid any clash with obstacle.


* The harness (standard EN361) is the only device tolerated in a stopping falling system (standard EN363).


* There should be a reliable anchor point above the user for optimum safety and avoid slack between the user and the anchor point.


* Recommended methods for forming terminations is heat and cut.


* ATTENTION! The rope must be protected from sharp edges and falling rocks, which could cut the strands. Make sure that your carabineers and other gear are free of burrs and damages.


* ATTENTION! Avoid too fast abseiling or top roping, as this will accelerate wear and can burn the rope. The maximum admissible temperature of use is 80ºC for a short period. Check the length of rope before abseiling or top roping.  Tie a knot at the end of your rope for more safety.


* ATTENTION! The rope should never be subjected to chemical exposure. Consult manufacturer for recommendations when rope will be used where chemical exposure (either fumes or actual contact) can occur.


* It is advised to use a rope bag to transport your rope to protect it from dirt and reduce the risk of twist or kinks.


* ATTENTION! Instructions for use, for maintenance, for periodic examination and for repair in the language of the country in which the product is to be used must be provided by the reseller if the product is re-sold outside Malaysia.